
Each section has events that are relevant to their section. There are some events that the whole group or combined sections get involved with.

Family Camp

Every year the 3rd Croydon Family gathers together for our Family Camp. This camp is for families and care givers to get involved and enjoy some camping along with your children. If you don’t have camping gear, you can borrow some from our Q store. Every year we enjoy a different camp site and it’s never too far from home.


Every year 3rd Croydon participates in our local Anzac March and memorial service. We invite everyone to get involved. Some years our leaders organise a sleepover in the hall or meet at the station to attend the Dawn Service and March in the city. Our youth volunteer to be flag bearers and march in front of our soldiers.

Survivor Camp

James Atkinson has been involved in the production of the survivor program and he brings together his scout leadership and survivor knowledge to put together an awesome program. This event is open to Scouts to participate and Venturers and Rovers to help coordinate.

Click the link below for more details.

Bogan Bingo

Bogan Bingo is a fun night for all the family. We play bingo, have a silent auction, play coin toss games and have a multitude of prizes. We also hold our AGM on this night.

Maroondah Festival

Every year our group participates in the Maroondah Festival. We build a play structure out of spars and showcase our talents. We also hold a bbq for fundraising for the group.

Clean Up Australia Day

Every year each section individually or together organises an area to clean.  Some years we have cleaned the Yarra River on our canoes. Who says you can’t have fun while cleaning!

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