
The Scout section offers an amazing array of activities designed to teach important life skills and get Scouts social and active! Scouts, as a section, focuses on allowing young people to develop their confidence and teaches them how to work as part of a team. Scouts learn essential outdoor safety skills as well as participate in a variety of physical and intellectual challenges. Our scouts enjoy a variety of activities such as badge work, first aid, water and cooking safety, hiking, camping, abseiling and canoeing.

They also participate in themed camps such as Survivor and Scouthike,  and National and International Jamborees. The National Jamboree is held every 3 years and is in a different state each time. You get to meet and make friends from all around the country. And with social media it’s easy to stay in touch. The next Jamboree will be held in 2025 in Maryborough, Queensland.

There are international Jamborees to attend too! Due to covid 19, these have been put on hold.

Keep updated and visit the link below: .

Camp Tickell 2021

From 16-18 April 2021, the Rovers put on Camp Tickell for the Scouts. Held at Heaney Park in Rowville, the Scouts camped out, many putting

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Back to Face to Face

Scouts had a great night back face to face. We headed down to the field next to the library. First up was a game of

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Camp Tickell 2021

From 16-18 April 2021, the Rovers put on Camp Tickell for the Scouts. Held at Heaney Park in Rowville, the Scouts camped out, many putting

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